Saturday, July 2, 2011

You Can Not Act From Despair...or with a foot up your...

Namaste Angeles!

I thought my previous post was going to say Friday - however I hit a snag - I thought I posted it correctly - but alas alack I had not!  So I scrambled to get it posted before 11:59pm - but was unsuccessful.

:  (  Ladies and Gentlemen, I have run smack into one of my classic self care snafus!  I did not give myself enough time to account for problems!  The perfectionist in me is totally bummed out!  Maybe I've set the bar too high by saying I'm going to blog everyday, maybe I should make it every other day - or as many days as I can, or bi-weekly or weekly?!  No, no, NO!  I don't want to give myself any "outs".

The whole point of this blog is to crack the whip, on myself...gently and with compassion of course... but never the less I really need to inspire myself to live into and from my greatest and highest good.

As a child somebody would have told me; "You need to have someone put their foot up your *ss to get you moving!" Really? Really?!, who started that saying?  It seems to me that having anything, especially something as large as a foot rammed into one's *ss would not inspire one to work harder, faster or better.  Speaking for myself,  I think that would actually slow me down..and... make me sore.  It would also most undoubtedly, slow down the fellow or lass whose foot is logged in me.  I mean, how fast can some go who's hopping around on one foot?!  Now there are two people who are definitely not able to work to their full potential because one has been reduced to a painfully sore crawl, while the other is hopping around like a peg-leg pirate.  But I digress...

So, it's only day 2 ...or, technically since it's past midnight - it's day 3 - and already I've suffered a potentially shattering disappointment.  I feel like Charlie Brown.  Arrrrggghhh!

Well, an amazing Director, Robert Grande Weiss once told me:
"Don't despair.  You can not act from despair."  
Even though he was speaking of my frustration with acting in a scene from Richard Greenberg's "The Violet Hour".  I've come to embrace Robert's wisdom in every area of my life.  One simply can not take action when one is in the grips of despair.  Thank You Robert...I send you love on the other side of the veil.

And so; I shan't despair!  In the poetic lyrics of the song by Dorothy Fields and Jerome Kern, I shall: "Pick mySelf off, Dust mySelf off and Start All Over Again!"  

Aloha from Hollywood, CA
oxo Mz. Divine

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